flips' Hideout — where good stuff is hidden in plain sight

Welcome home! This is the home page.

My Geek Blog

Sunday, Mar 18, 2018

Computer related stuff If you’re mainly interested in computer stuff and not my other ramblings, track this part of my blog … :-)

Bible Nerds

Sunday, Mar 18, 2018

Are you interested in Christian stuff, The Bible, different Bible translations, Christian books, Bible software and so on, you might find something of interest here. Check out my sub pages in this section: When I first got saved, back in 2003, I really wanted an English translation of the Bible. Being Norwegian, that might sound weird, as most would mainly use a Norwegian translation. I don’t really remember my reasoning or reasons back then, but today I’m glad that I did get an English Bible early on.


Monday, Feb 3, 2014

Themes or templates by Luminated.net

Saturday, Oct 19, 2013

I have been developing various themes and templates for CMS and blog solutions, like Joomla and Wordpress. I have not planned on selling/sharing them right now, for more than one reason. (One being copyrighted, creative work used as elements in the templates, another being resources for publishing/maintaining.) If you stumbled in here from a link on another page, and/or if you’re interested in my work somehow, please leave me a note, use the Contact me link at the bottom of this page.

About Luminated.net

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010

The word “Luminated” is derived from the latin word “lumen”, which means “light”. The word “illuminated” is a more common derivative, but “Luminated” has a similar meaning: It means “having knowledge”, “being bright” or something like that. The names is not chosen as a very deep meaning or anything like that, but it’s a nice name and a nice domain name – being easy to spell and everything. My purpose for having this web page is … well, I’m a geek, I do computer stuff, and of course I have a website … Wait, I got a better reason: It’s fun … :) And it may be nice to have yet another place where I can put my opinions, files, guides, songs or whatever I feel like putting out there (as in here) … :) And if someone find any of this helpful or interesting, that’s nice!

Welcome to the home of Luminum

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010

The Luminum Music Project **On this page you will find the tracks I have for download. Don’t consider this to be final stuff or anything. If it were computer software, I would call it alpha or beta versions … :) **The first track I completed (as in just didn’t abandon) was an ambient track, and this was my first completed version: [ambient02a_mixdown_smaller.ogg](http://www.pbnett.org/mm/ambient02a_mixdown_s maller.ogg) Later I made another version/mix, somewhat more upbeat, and a little more strings.