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Linux and UNIX

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010
Tags: Linux Operating Systems

Welcome to my Linux page. I have worked with both UNIX and Linux for many years.I love the “UNIX way” of doing certain things, and I like much of the philosophy behind UNIX (and Linux), for example how one make lots of small tools, which when they are combined can have fantastic results … If you’re looking into which UNIX or Linux distribution you should choose, take a look at my article Which UNIX or Linux Distribution is The Best?

Linux and UNIX

Sunday, Nov 14, 2010
Tags: macOS Apps Operating Systems

Welcome to my Linux page. I have worked with both UNIX and Linux for many years.I love the “UNIX way” of doing certain things, and I like much of the philosophy behind UNIX (and Linux), for example how one make lots of small tools, which when they are combined can have fantastic results … If you’re looking into which UNIX or Linux distribution you should choose, take a look at my article Which UNIX or Linux Distribution is The Best?

Flawless Upgrade to OpenIndiana (oi_147)

Wednesday, Sep 29, 2010
Tags: illumOS UNIX OpenIndiana Operating Systems

2010-09-29 22:14 Filed in: [Computer Geek]( /category-computer-geek.html) | [IllumOS]( /category-illumos.html) [](http: // I just upgraded from OpenSolaris’ developer build 133 (snv_133) to OpenIndiana’s first build (oi_147). I followed the [instructions]( #InstallingorUpgrading-UpgradingfromOpenSolaris) found at the OpenIndiana Wiki. There’s a link to there from the OpenIndiana Download page. So first i added/changed to the legacy repo/publisher and upgraded from snv_133 to snv_134, without any problems.And then I switched to the OpenIndiana developer repo/publisher and did another “pkg image-update -v”, and it all went flawless.