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Monday, Mar 18, 2019
Tags: apps bible translations
Categories: Nerd Preacher

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Monday, Feb 18, 2019
Tags: apps bible translations
Categories: Nerd Preacher

Jau. This is all? This is a Geek test post while setting up this site. Shortribs nisi cow quis reprehenderit t-bone ea porchetta shankle, fugiat shank id incididunt landjaeger swine tenderloin tri-tip, spareribs pancetta excepteur boudin buffalo veniam hamburger. Tail ham shortribs cupidatat sint qui chuck tri-tip lorem meatball porchetta, eu shortloin non dolor sed meatloaf laboris flank beef ribs, brisket officia veniam labore rump aliqua ea shortloin swine. Rump aute spareribs shank sausage laborum stripsteak chicken chuck, ribeye prosciutto adipisicing do ball tip venison landjaeger.

Bible Software

Sunday, Mar 18, 2018
Tags: apps bible translations
Categories: Nerd Preacher

Bible Software Here you find these sections: [] ( Three years ago, or something like that, I was browsing the Bible shelves in a christian supplies store (Bender’s) near Buffalo, NY. And I came across QuickVerse for Mac (Black Box), it was on sale, so I figured I’d give it a go. And there’s a lot of good resources in that package, lots of Bible texts, Strong’s Concordance, Commentaries, Bible Dictionaries, Devotionals, books and so on.