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To Know, Guard or Watch Over? (Ps. 1:6, Heb. "Yada")

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tags: Word Digging Bible Translations

When I was reading Psalm 1 some days ago, I realized that the HCSB translation had a quite different rendering of verse 6 than NKJV/NASB that I remembered from previous reading. Psalm 1:6 in HCSB states: For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin. Other translations that also uses “watches over”, is NLT-SE, TNIV, NIV and NRSV. The CEV translation uses “protects”.

Weird HCSB difference in Kindle Version (Matt 1:12)

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010
Tags: Bible Translations

2010-04-27 22:36 Filed in: [Bible Translations]( translations.html) I just discovered in my “[Holman CSB Bible]( Bible-ebook/dp/B0011TMNZ4/)” on Kindle, that Matt. 1:12 seems like a hybrid between the 2004 and 2009 revisions of the HCSB text. (I don’t actually have a Kindle device, I just use Kindle on the iPhone and on the Mac.)In my HCSB 2004 revision (first edition), Matt 1:12 goes like this: Then after the exile to BabylonJechoniah fathered Salathiel,

Want to check out the reliability of Biblical manuscripts yourself?

Monday, Apr 26, 2010
Tags: Bible Software Text Criticism Bible Translations

2010-04-26 00:58 Filed in: [Bible Software]( software.html) | [Text Criticism]( /category-text-criticism.html) | [Bible Translations]( translations.html) Have you ever wondered what stuff like “Other mss omit bracketed text” or “NU-Text omits this verse” mean? Or maybe you know what it means, but you want to dig deeper, do some New Testament text criticism on your own. Unless you know Greek and such, it might be difficult to find what you’re seeking on your own, and even if you know some Greek, it might be quite some work.

Psa. 37:3–4 — New Depths Discovered in Translation Differences

Friday, Apr 23, 2010
Tags: Bible Translations Word Digging

It’s quite interesting and also surprising for me sometimes to notice how differently the old Hebrew scriptures are translated. I think this is especially true of the Psalms. This might be confusing and you might start to fear that you’re missing important parts. (I generally believe you get the main points correct in most translations, and whatever a translation misses, the Holy Spirit will reveal, as we can’t really understand any of this correctly without revelation from Him.