This is the site section of flips' hideout


Howdy! :-) Happy Just a quick hello ...

Monday, Feb 3, 2014
Tags: General Site News

2014-02-03 22:31 Filed in: [General Site News]( /category-general-site-news.html) Lot’s of changes and updates are happening … But not on these pages at the moment. I’m currently focusing my efforts on both (my own) education and some work projects. Don’t expect too much to happen to this web page … Well, you probably don’t. I’m currently trying to complete a bachelor’s degree, so I have both exams and writing occupying more time than I have.

Site Moved … Hopefully Unnoticed :-)

Monday, Jul 9, 2012
Tags: General Site News

2012-07-09 09:56 Filed in: [General Site News]( /category-general-site-news.html) I just moved my stuff to a new web host. I’ll probably change publication solution sometime in the not too far future, too, but no dates or deadlines mentioned, as this is only for my spare time fun … At the moment I’m considering/checking out Drupal … Also considering something based on Ruby, Rails, or Python/Django … Time will tell … Tags: General

Welcome to this Brand New Website

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010
Tags: General Site News

2010-03-16 18:54 Filed in: [General Site News]( /category-general-site-news.html) has not been a very active website so far. It has mostly been used for testing purposes. I cannot promise a high activity level now, either, but there are chances that it might happen, as I find it fun writing about stuff I like, and I got this program for maintaining sites, RapidWeaver, that looks pretty good. (Got it through the previous MacHeist bundle.