Accordance 9 – Nice New Features and Great Performance

2010-10-01 11:30 Filed in: [Bible Software]( software.html)

![Accordance 9 Logo/Banner]( /images/shell_title.jpg)
You probably know this already, but Accordance Bible Software from OakTree Software is now out in version 9. I’ve been using it for two or three weeks now, and the new features is going to help me focus even more on my Bible study. I haven’t been able to utilize all the new features yet, but just the workspace zones and Search All feature is enough to make the flow of my studies flow better. The Seach All feature is amazingly fast. And Zones makes is easier to not get distracted with organizing the workspace/tabs/windows.I haven’t checked out Easy Install yet, but it should make it easier to spend money on new modules.

(Some might consider that bad …) Winking

A short summary of the new capabilities and enhancements:

  • Workspace zones that make it easy to keep your Bibles, commentaries, lexicons, and other study aids neatly arranged yet easily accessible
  • A revamped Search All feature that lets you search thousands of resources in seconds and quickly browse the results to find what you’re looking for
  • An Easy Install feature that lets you install new resources over the web as soon as you purchase them, with no physical media to ship or unlocking codes to enter
  • Support for new syntactical analyses of original language texts that takes you beyond the meaning of individual words to show you how those words function together

You might also want to check out the review on [TUAW]( forward-in-bible-study-software/).

Upgrading from Accordance 8 costs $49. Read more on why I chose Accordance as my primary Mac Bible Study Software on my Bible Software Page.

So the next thing I’m waiting for now, is the iOS (iPhone/iPad) version of Accordance. I should be here soon, and I hope it’s going to be great!